Probing Galaxy Growth and Dusty Star-Forming Systems across Diverse Environments in the Stripe82/HETDEX Field with Herschel
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In the next few years, we will embark on an unprecedented study of how a million galaxie grow their stars and dark matter halos over a large comoving volume (0.5 Gpc3) in the cosmi web at the epoch (1:9 < z < 3:5) where cosmic star formation and black hole activity peak, an proto-clusters start to collapse. This study is enabled by the powerful synergy of six photometri and spectroscopic surveys, which are providing Herschel SPIRE, Spitzer IRAC, NEWFIRM Kband DECam ugriz, and XMM X-ray imaging data, along with future optical spectroscopic dat from HETDEX over a very large area (28 deg2) in the Stripe82/HETDEX field. In this work we illustrate the power of these combined datasets and focus on studying dusty, star-formin systems (DSFSs) identified by the Herschel Stripe 82 Survey (HerS). Using the 250, 350, an 500 micron SPIRE data over our 28 deg2 field, we identify a number of possible high redshif (z > 4) DSFSs which will be prime candidates for follow-up observations. We discuss thei properties and possible association with galaxies and quasars detected at X-ray, IR, optical, an UV wavelengths. We discuss broader implications for galaxy growth at early cosmic times.
name of conference
Proceedings of Frank N. Bash Symposium 2015 PoS(BASH2015)
Proceedings of Frank N. Bash Symposium 2015 PoS(BASH2015)
author list (cited authors)
Larson, R., Jogee, S., Watson, N., Viero, M., Weinzirl, T. M., Yorke, H. W., ... Urry, C. M.
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complete list of authors
Larson, Rebecca||Jogee, Shardha||Watson, Nicholas||Viero, Marco||Weinzirl, Tim M||Yorke, Harold W||Finkelstein, Steven L||Papovich, Casey||Casey, Caitlin M||Ciardullo, Robin||Gronwall, Caryl A||LaMassa, Stephanie||Urry, C Megan