We discuss a new class of phenomena based on strong interaction between magnetic flux from magnetic textures and supercurrents in emerging mesoscopic, heterogeneous magneto-superconducting systems. These systems include coupled smooth and textured magnetic/superconducting films, magnetic dots, columns, stripes embedded in superconducting material, etc. The frozen magnetic flux from magnetic textures or topological defects can pin vortices or create them, changing drastically the properties of the superconductor. On the other hand, the magnetic field from supercurrents (vortices) strongly interacts with the magnetic subsystem. This results in spontaneous ground state supercurrents and in formation of coupled magnetic-superconducting topological defects. We discuss possible experimental realization of mesoscopic magneto-superconducting systems.
name of conference
Superconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering IV