Sign change of Hall coefficients for amorphous Ni0.80-xCrxP0.20 alloys.
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The magnetic susceptibilities, resistivities, and Hall coefficients of amorphous Ni0.80-xCrxP0.20 (0.00x0.40) alloys are reported. A sign change with temperature of the Hall coefficient for a single paramagnetic amorphous alloy that correlates with the temperature-dependent valence susceptibility has been observed (x=0.20), indicating that an extraordinary contribution to RH is responsible for the positive Hall effect in these paramagnetic alloys. Also, an unexplained relatively large contribution to RH that is linear in T has been observed in some of these alloys. A gradual change in magnetic properties with composition from large cluster-dominant phase to Kondo-impurity phase has been observed. 1994 The American Physical Society.