Low-temperature magnetization in Ni-rich -Ni100-x-yFexVy alloys
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Detailed studies of the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization have been made in eight different compositions of (Formula presented) alloys at a magnetic field of 30 kOe between 4.2 and 50 K. The values of the Curie temperature (Formula presented) and the saturation magnetization (Formula presented) are found to decrease with the increase of V. This is understood since the addition of V (which is antiferromagnetic) suppresses the ferromagnetic order in the NiFe binary alloys. The magnetization of the alloys with low V (Formula presented) has shown a good fit to only the spin-wave (Formula presented) term whereas the data for the high V (Formula presented) alloys require an additional Stoner (Formula presented) term (for weak itinerant ferromagnets). This indicates that the addition of more V gives the alloys a weak itinerant electron character. The range of temperature of the above analysis is much lower than (Formula presented) for most of the alloys. Also, the Arrott plots near (Formula presented) show a set of almost parallel isothermal lines supporting the presence of the Stoner term. Thus the present magnetization studies show convincingly a transition from the localized to the weak itinerant electron ferromagnetism in the high V (Formula presented) alloys. 2000 The American Physical Society.