Electron transport in La100-xAlx metallic glasses. uri icon


  • Values of the electrical resistivity, temperature coefficient of resistivity, thermopower, and superconducting transition temperature for a series of La100-xAlx metallic glasses prepared both as ''splat-cooled'' foils and ''melt-spun'' ribbons are reported. Differences between the two types of samples are discussed. We argue that the dominant contribution to the conductivity and thermopower is from La d states. 1986 The American Physical Society.

published proceedings

  • Phys Rev B Condens Matter

author list (cited authors)

  • Delgado, R., Armbrster, H., Naugle, D. G., Tsai, C. L., Johnson, W. L., & Williams, A.

citation count

  • 17

complete list of authors

  • Delgado, R||Armbrüster, H||Naugle, DG||Tsai, CL||Johnson, WL||Williams, A

publication date

  • December 1986