Decays of the lowest T=2 states in A=4N nuclei from Be8 to Ti44
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Branching ratios for isospin-forbidden decays have been measured for the lowest T=2 levels in Be8, C12, O16, Mg24, Si28, S32, Ar36, Ca40, and Ti44. The T=2 levels were populated by the isospin allowed (p,t) reaction at Ep=42 >or >46 MeV. Coincidences were observed between tritons detected in a quadrupole-dipole-dipole-dipole magnetic spectrometer and decay particles detected in a surface-barrier detector telescope, a time-of-flight neutron detector, or an NaI (Tl) -ray detector. Systematics of isospin-forbidden decay widths are discussed. NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Be8, C12, O16, Mg24, Si28, S32, Ar36, Ca40, Ti44; lowest J >=0+, T=2 level; measured isospin-forbidden particle-decay branching ratios. 1979 The American Physical Society.