Astrophysical S factor for 13C(p, ) 14N and asymptotic normalization coefficients
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We reanalyze the 13C(p, )14N radiative capture reaction within the R-matrix approach. The low-energy astrophysical S factor has important contributions from both resonant and onresonant captures. The normalization of the nonresonant component of the transition to a particular 14N bound state is expressed in terms of the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC). In the analysis we use the experimental ANC's inferred from the 13C(14N, 13C) 14N and 13C(3He,d) 14N reactions. The fits of the calculated S factors to the experimental data are sensitive to the ANC values and are used to test the extracted ANC's. We find that for transitions to all the states in 14N, except the third excited state, the ANC's determined from the transfer reactions provide the best fit. The astrophysical factor we obtain, S(0)= 7.7 1.1 keV b, is in excellent agreement with previous results.