Parton energy loss limits and shadowing in Drell-Yan dimuon production uri icon


  • A precise measurement of the ratios of the Drell-Yan cross section per nucleon for an 800 GeV/c proton beam incident on Be, Fe, and W targets is reported. The behavior of the Drell-Yan ratios at small target-parton momentum fraction is well described by an existing fit to the shadowing observed in deep-inelastic scattering. The cross-section ratios as a function of the incident-parton momentum fraction set tight limits on the energy loss of quarks passing through a cold nucleus. 1999 The American Physical Society.

published proceedings


altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Vasiliev, M. A., Beddo, M. E., Brown, C. N., Carey, T. A., Chang, T. H., Cooper, W. E., ... Young, G. R.

citation count

  • 118

complete list of authors

  • Vasiliev, MA||Beddo, ME||Brown, CN||Carey, TA||Chang, TH||Cooper, WE||Gagliardi, CA||Garvey, GT||Geesaman, DF||Hawker, EA||He, XC||Isenhower, LD||Kaplan, DM||Kaufman, SB||Koetke, DD||Lee, WM||Leitch, MJ||McGaughey, PL||Moss, JM||Mueller, BA||Papavassiliou, V||Peng, JC||Petitt, G||Reimer, PE||Sadler, ME||Sondheim, WE||Stankus, PW||Towell, RS||Tribble, RE||Webb, JC||Willis, JL||Young, GR

publication date

  • September 1999