This paper describes a system which allows the engineer to monitor and control a reservoir simulation run during its execution. The system consists of a three-dimensional, three-phase black-oil reservoir simulator running simultaneously with an interactive graphics pre- and post-processor. Previous authors have described systems which allow monitoring of job execution with simultaneous graphics displays; the system described here is unique in that the engineer can modify simulator and well control parameters during the execution. While the system will be very helpful in detection and correction of time-dependent data problems, it will also be useful in optimizing reservoir management decisions in future performance projections. The system is implemented on an IBM-compatible 486 microcomputer using commercially-available multitasking software, although it can be implemented easily on any microcomputer or workstation capable of multitasking. We show that implementation of the system required only a moderate amount of modification of the pre- and post-processor and even less modification of the reservoir simulator.