Modeling of functionally graded smart plates with gradient elasticity effects
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2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. In this article, the equations of motion for functionally graded plates with surface-mounted piezoelectric layers, while accounting for the gradient elasticity through the modified couple stress model and linear piezoelectricity, are derived using Hamiltons principle. The formulation includes the coupling between mechanical deformations and the charge equations of electrostatics. The mathematical model developed herein is an equivalent single layer theory for mechanical displacement field and the potential functions. The in-plane displacements are assumed to vary as cubic functions of the thickness coordinate while the transverse displacement is assumed to vary as a quadratic function of the thickness coordinate through plate thickness. The potential function is assumed as the combination of half cosine variation of electric potential and linear variation of applied voltage on outer surfaces. The approach described here is that standard plate models can be enhanced to include the coupling between the charge equations and the mechanical deformations as well as the size dependent effect of micro- and nano-scale structures. An analytical solution of the developed model is presented using the Navier solution technique. A parametric study is performed to study the effect of material variation through thickness of plates, length scale parameters to capture the size-dependent effects, and thickness ratio between piezoelectric layers and the whole plate.