publication venue for
- Computational study of clot formation in aneurysms treated with shape memory polymer foam.. 75:65-71. 2020
- 3D Printed composite for simulating thermal and mechanical responses of the cortical bone in orthopaedic surgery.. 61:61-68. 2018
- In vivo tibiofemoral skeletal kinematics and cartilage contact arthrokinematics during decline walking after isolated meniscectomy.. 51:41-48. 2018
- In vitro performance of a shape memory polymer foam-coated coil embolization device.. 49:56-62. 2017
- A mechanistic force model for simulating haptics of hand-held bone burring operations.. 49:7-13. 2017
- A review of cutting mechanics and modeling techniques for biological materials.. 45:1-14. 2017
- Notched K-wire for low thermal damage bone drilling.. 45:25-33. 2017
- Objectively quantifying walking ability in degenerative spinal disorder patients using sensor equipped smart shoes.. 38:442-449. 2016
- Bone geometry on the contact stress in the shoulder for evaluation of pressure ulcers: finite element modeling and experimental validation.. 37:187-194. 2015
- Numerical evaluation of sequential bone drilling strategies based on thermal damage.. 37:855-861. 2015
- Optimal needle design for minimal insertion force and bevel length.. 36:1093-1100. 2014
- Temperature prediction in high speed bone grinding using motor PWM signal.. 35:1545-1549. 2013
- Thermal model to investigate the temperature in bone grinding for skull base neurosurgery.. 35:1391-1398. 2013
- In vitro study of the effect of cyclic strains on the dermal fibroblast (GM3384) morphology--mapping of cell responses to strain field.. 34:826-831. 2012
- Identification of myocardial infarction (MI) using spatio-temporal heart dynamics.. 34:485-497. 2012
- Flow through a defective mechanical heart valve: a steady flow analysis.. 31:295-305.
- Mechanical properties of suprarenal and infrarenal abdominal aorta: implications for mouse models of aneurysms.. 33:1262-1269.