publication venue for
- Broadband tunable infrared emission of Ni2+-doped ZnGa/AlO4 integrated transparent glass ceramics. 133:104805-104805. 2023
- Few-mode fiber based saturable absorber for ultra-fast fiber laser at 2 m. 133:104838-104838. 2023
- Construction of spectral detection models to evaluate soluble solids content and acidity in Dangshan pear using two different sensors. 131:104632-104632. 2023
- Hyperspectral and imagery integrated analysis for vegetable seed vigor detection. 131:104605-104605. 2023
- High quantum efficiency of 1.8 mu m luminescence in Tm3+fluoride tellurite glass. 123:104055-104055. 2022
- Enhanced IR luminescence properties of Ho3+ions in oxide glasses modified by the introduction of chloride. 117:103857-103857. 2021
- Structural evolution, crystallization behaviour and mid-infrared emission properties in Yb/Ho codoped oxyfluoride germanosilicate glass ceramics with varied Si/Ge ratio. 116:103741-103741. 2021
- Long lifetime of dual rare earth active centers in novel multi-component fluoride glasses for mid-infrared laser applications. 105:103189-103189. 2020
- Efficient 2 m emission and energy transfer mechanism of Ho3+ doped fluorophosphate glass sensitized by Er3+ ions. 91:200-205. 2018
- Analysis of mid-infrared photoluminescence around 2.85 m in Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped synthetic silica-germanate glass. 89:363-368. 2018
- Mid-infrared photo-luminescence and energy transfer around 2.8 m from Dy3+/Tm3+ co-doped tellurite glass. 85:128-132. 2017
- An efficient 2.0 m emission of Er3+/Ho3+ co-doped lead silicate glass. 83:1-6. 2017
- Positive influence of Tm3+ on effective Er3+: 3 m emission in fluoride glass under 980 nm excitation. 82:120-125. 2017
- 2 m emission performance in Tm3+/Er3+ codoped silicate glasses under 800 nm and 980 nm excitation. 81:21-26. 2017
- Enhanced 2.0 m emission in Ho3+/Yb3+ co-doped silica-germanate glass. 81:17-20. 2017
- Infrared fluorescence, energy transfer process and quantitative analysis of thulium-doped niobium silicate-germanate glass. 79:191-197. 2016
- Non-metallic coating thickness prediction using artificial neural network and support vector machine with time resolved thermography. 77:316-324. 2016
- High frequency wavelength modulation cw slit jet diode laser spectrometer for characterizing ground state intermolecular hydrogen bonded vibrations. 45:301-314. 2004
- Dynamic measurement of absorptivity and its unexpected behaviour during CW CO2 laser oxidation of vanadium. 26:197-199. 1986
- A new method for determination of absorptivity during laser heating. 25:779-781. 1985