Scalar interaction limits from the beta-nu correlation of trapped radioactive atoms. uri icon


  • We have set limits on contributions of scalar interactions to nuclear beta decay. A magneto-optical trap provides a localized source of atoms suspended in space, so the low-energy recoiling nuclei can freely escape and be detected in coincidence with the beta. This allows reconstruction of the neutrino momentum, and the measurement of the beta-nu correlation, in a more direct fashion than previously possible. The beta-nu correlation parameter of the 0(+)-->0(+) pure Fermi decay of (38)K(m) is a =0.9981+/-0.0030+0.0032 / -0.0037, consistent with the standard model prediction a =1.

published proceedings

  • Phys Rev Lett

author list (cited authors)

  • Gorelov, A., Melconian, D., Alford, W. P., Ashery, D., Ball, G., Behr, J. A., ... Trinczek, M.

citation count

  • 125

complete list of authors

  • Gorelov, A||Melconian, D||Alford, WP||Ashery, D||Ball, G||Behr, JA||Bricault, PG||D'Auria, JM||Deutsch, J||Dilling, J||Dombsky, M||Dubé, P||Fingler, J||Giesen, U||Glück, F||Gu, S||Häusser, O||Jackson, KP||Jennings, BK||Pearson, MR||Stocki, TJ||Swanson, TB||Trinczek, M

publication date

  • April 2005