Integrating Project Management Into The Capstone Senior Design Course Conference Paper uri icon


  • The public and private sectors are demanding entry-level technical personnel that are well schooled in the fundamental principles of their respective engineering and technology disciplines. Both of these groups are placing a premium on graduates who have had significant design experiences and have participated in a team environment. Finally, these potential employers are demanding graduates that have the ability to communicate effectively in both written and verbal formats. These new hires will, in all likelihood, become members of project teams and participate as team members and eventually as project managers. The Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering Technology (EET/TET) Programs at Texas A&M University have established a mandatory technical project management course that is closely linked to its capstone senior design course. With assistance and participation from a number of large and small companies, EET/TET students now learn about the fundamentals of project management while they prepare for entry to their senior design project. The new course provides the opportunity for students to form teams, evaluate potential project opportunities, arrange for faculty and industry support and sponsorship, and prepare the written documentation and technical presentations that culminates in a formal technical proposal. Using the Project Management Institute (PMT) Body of Knowledge, the students plan the work they will accomplish in their capstone senior design course.

name of conference

  • 2002 Annual Conference Proceedings

published proceedings

  • 2002 Annual Conference Proceedings

author list (cited authors)

  • Porter, J., Zoghi, B., & Morgan, J.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Porter, Jay||Zoghi, Behbood||Morgan, Joseph

publication date

  • January 2002