Diamagnetic Rydberg atom: Confrontation of calculated and observed spectra. uri icon


  • We present a detailed comparison of the observed and computed negative- and positive-energy spectrum of a Rydberg atom in a strong magnetic field. The study extends from -30 to +30 cm-1 at a field of 6 T. The experimental resolution is sufficiently high to provide well-resolved spectra over the entire range. The spectrum calculated for hydrogen is in remarkable agreement with the spectrum observed in lithium. 1991 The American Physical Society.

published proceedings

  • Phys Rev Lett

author list (cited authors)

  • Iu, C. h., Welch, G. R., Kash, M. M., Kleppner, D., Delande, D., & Gay, J. C.

citation count

  • 95

complete list of authors

  • Iu, Ch||Welch, GR||Kash, MM||Kleppner, D||Delande, D||Gay, JC

publication date

  • January 1991