A system dynamics modeling approach of ecological motivation in sustainable supply chains
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Sustainable supply chains have emerged as an area of growing attention due to the development of "Ecological motivation" and Sustainable development, along with technological and economical trends. Ecological motivation is a strategic issue of increased importance for the profitability of sustainable supply chains due to companies' interest in their "green image" and environmental legislation. Ecological motivation manifests through a variety of issues that are investigated in this manuscript, including the take-back obligations and lower limits of recycling imposed by the environmental legislation, green consumerism and design for environment (DfE). In this work we examine the impact of the ecological motivation and sustainable development on the long term behavior of a simple system that can be encountered on a variety of real-world cases, in particular that of a single producer and a single product chain with recycling activities. The developed methodological approach captures these issues comprehensively through a dynamic simulation model based on the principles of the system dynamics (SD) theory. The proposed dynamic model can be used as a simulation tool for the conduct of various "what-if" analyses, by evaluating the impact of various regulatory measures and green consumerism on system performance. Finally, we discuss the potential value of the proposed modeling procedure in managing real world cases.