New Host Records for Alloglossidium progeneticum (Digenea: Alloglossiidae) in Crayfishes (Decapoda: Cambaridae) from Arkansas and Oklahoma, USA uri icon


  • The Helminthological Society of Washington. We examined 125 individual crayfish representing 9 species from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, U.S.A., for the presence of the antennal gland digenetic trematode Alloglossidium. Fifteen 12% individuals were found to harbor Alloglossidium progeneticum, which is reported for the first time from the following second intermediate hosts: 2 of 7 29% Orconectes longidigitus longpincered crayfish, 3 of 53 6%rconectes ozarkae Ozark crayfish, 3 of 15 20% Orconectes punctimanus spothanded crayfish, 4 of 7 57% Procambarus ouachitae Ouachita River crayfish from Arkansas, and 3 of 10 30% Orconectes menae Mena crayfish from Oklahoma. Four other crayfish species were negative for infection.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • McAllister, C. T., Kasl, E. L., Robison, H. W., Connior, M. B., Font, W. F., Trauth, S. E., & Criscione, C. D.

complete list of authors

  • McAllister, Chris T||Kasl, Emily L||Robison, Henry W||Connior, Matthew B||Font, William F||Trauth, Stanley E||Criscione, Charles D