Spin dependence in the reactions 16(p,t)14O and 16O(p, 3He)14N
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The reactions 16O(p, t)14O and 16O(p, 3He)14N have been studied at 43.7 MeV and 54.1 MeV bombarding energies. Several recent J, T assignments have been confirmed, and a pair of states at 9.72 MeV in 14O and 12.50 MeV in 14N have been established as (2+), T = 1 analogues. The relative spectroscopic strengths for the transfer reactions were compared with predictions from (1p) shell wave functions, and the necessity for a 70 % reduction of the S = 1 transition intensity relative to that for S = 0 was indicated. This effect was related to the spin-and isospin-dependence of the interaction potential. 1970.