TWIST - The TRIUMF weak interaction symmetry test - The Michel parameters from mu(+) decay
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We propose to make the first high precision measurements of nearly the entire differential spectrum (in energy and angle) of positrons from the decay of polarized muons. The main goal of the experiment is the precise testing of the (V - A) structure of electroweak interactions in the framework of the SU(2)L U(1) model. Highly polarized "surface" + from the TRIUMF M13 beamline will enter a large volume, high field superconducting magnet on axis and will stop in a thin target at its center. The e+ from the muon decay will be precisely tracked in the magnetic field using small-cell planar drift chambers. This spectrometer has been simulated with GEANT and EGS4 and has been demonstrated to meet the precision requirements. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.