An analysis of decays using a global fit in QCD factorization
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In the framework of QCD factorization, we study B+(0) K+(0) decays. In order to more reliably determine the phenomenological parameters XH and XA arising from end-point divergences in the hard spectator scattering and weak annihilation contributions, we use the global analysis for twelve B PP and VP decay modes, such as B , K, K, et cetera, but excluding the modes whose (dominant) internal quark-level process is b sss. Based on the global analysis, we critically investigate possible magnitudes of XH,A and find that both large and small XH,A terms are allowed by the global fit. In the case of the large XH,A effects, the standard model (SM) prediction of the branching ratios (BRs) for B+(0) K+(0) is large and well consistent with the experimental results. In contrast, in the case of the small XH,A effects, the SM prediction for these BRs is smaller than the experimental data. Motivated by the recent Belle measurement of sin(21) through B0 Ks, if we take into account possible new physics effects on the quark-level process b sss, we can explicitly show that these large BRs can be understood even in the small XH,A case. Specifically, we present two new physics scenarios: R-parity violating SUSY and R-parity conserving SUSY. Springer-Verlag / Societ Italiana di Fisica 2004.