The multi-object double spectrographs for the Large Binocular Telescope Conference Paper uri icon


  • Ohio State is building two identical Multi-Object Double Spectrographs (MODS), one for each of the f/15 Gregorian foci of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). Each MODS is a high-throughput optical low- to medium-resolution CCD spectrometer operating in the 320-1000nm range with a 6.5-arcminute field-of-view. A dichroic distributes the science beam into separately-optimized red and blue channels that provide for direct imaging and up to 3 spectroscopic modes per channel. The identical MODS instruments may be operated together with digital data combination as a single instrument giving the LBT an effective aperture of 11.8-meter, or separately configured to flexibly use the twin 8.4-meter apertures. This paper describes progress on the integration and testing of MODS 1, and plans for the deployment of MODS2 by the end of 2008 at the LBT.

name of conference

  • Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy

published proceedings

  • Proceedings of SPIE

author list (cited authors)

  • Pogge, R. W., Atwood, B., Belville, S. R., Brewer, D. F., Byard, P. L., DePoy, D. L., ... Weinberg, D. H.

citation count

  • 11

complete list of authors

  • Pogge, RW||Atwood, B||Belville, SR||Brewer, DF||Byard, PL||DePoy, DL||Derwent, MA||Eastwood, J||Gonzalez, R||Krygier, A||Marshall, JR||Martini, P||Mason, JA||O'Brien, TP||Osmer, PS||Pappalardo, DP||Steinbrecher, DP||Teiga, EJ||Weinberg, DH

editor list (cited editors)

  • McLean, I. S., & Iye, M.

publication date

  • June 2006