MDM/Ohio State/ALADDIN infrared camera (MOSAIC)
Conference Paper
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The MDM/Ohio State/ALADDIN IR Camera (MOSAIC) is a general purpose near IR imaging camera and medium-resolution long- slit spectrometer in use on the MDM 1.3-m and 2.4-m telescopes and the Kitt Peak 2.1-m and 4-m telescopes. In cooperation with NOAO and USNO, MOSAIC is one of the first general-purpose near-IR instruments available to the astronomical community that uses a first-generation 1024 x 512 ALADDIN InSb array, with the capability to use a full 1024 x 1024 array once one becomes available. MOSAIC provides tow imaging plate scales, and a variety of long- slit grism spectroscopic modes. This paper describes the general instrument design and capabilities, and presents representative scientific results. 2003 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.
Pogge, R. W., DePoy, D. L., Atwood, B., O'Brien, T. P., Byard, P. L., Martini, P., ... Henden, A. A.
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Pogge, Richard W||DePoy, Darren L||Atwood, Bruce||O'Brien, Thomas P||Byard, Paul L||Martini, Paul||Stephens, Andrew W||Gatley, Ian||Merrill, Michael||Vrba, Frederick J||Henden, Arne A