The MANIFEST Prototyping Design Study Conference Paper uri icon


  • 2016 SPIE. MANIFEST is a facility multi-object fibre system for the Giant Magellan Telescope, which uses Starbug' fibre positioning robots. MANIFEST, when coupled to the telescope's planned seeing-limited instruments, GMACS, and G-CLEF, offers access to: larger fields of view; higher multiplex gains; versatile reformatting of the focal plane via IFUs; image-slicers; and in some cases higher spatial and spectral resolution. The Prototyping Design Study phase for MANIFEST, nearing completion, has focused on developing a working prototype of a Starbugs system, called TAIPAN, for the UK Schmidt Telescope, which will conduct a stellar and galaxy survey of the Southern sky. The Prototyping Design Study has also included work on the GMT instrument interfaces. In this paper, we outline the instrument design features of TAIPAN, highlight the modifications that will be necessary for the MANIFEST implementation, and provide an update on the MANIFEST/instrument interfaces.

name of conference

  • Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Lawrence, J. S., Ben-Ami, S., Brown, D. M., Brown, R., Case, S., Chapman, S., ... Zhelem, R.

complete list of authors

  • Lawrence, Jon S||Ben-Ami, Sagi||Brown, David M||Brown, Rebecca||Case, Scott||Chapman, Steve||Churilov, Vladimir||Colless, Matthew||Content, Robert||DePoy, Darren||Evans, Ian||Farrell, Tony||Goodwin, Michael||Jacoby, George||Klauser, Urs||Kuehn, Kyler||Lorente, Nuria PF||Mali, Slavko||Marshall, Jennifer L||Muller, Rolf||Nichani, Vijay||Pai, Naveen||Prochaska, Travis||Saunders, Will||Schmidt, Luke||Shortridge, Keith||Staszak, Nicholas F||Szentgyorgyi, Andrew||Tims, Julia||Vuong, Minh||Waller, Lew||Zhelem, Ross

editor list (cited editors)

  • Evans, C. J., Simard, L., & Takami, H.