Flattening Scientific CCD Imaging Data with a Dome Flat-Field System
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We describe the flattening of scientific CCD imaging data using a dome flat-field system. The system uses light emitting diodes (LEDs) to illuminate a carefully constructed dome flat-field screen. LEDs have several advantages over more traditional illumination sources: they are available in a wide range of output wavelengths, are inexpensive, have a very long source lifetime, and are straightforward to control digitally. The circular dome screen is made of a material with Lambertian scattering properties that efficiently reflects light of a wide range of wavelengths and incident angles. In this paper, we compare flat fields obtained using this system with two types of traditionally-constructed flat fields: Twilight sky flats and nighttime sky flats. Using photometric standard stars as illumination sources, we test the quality of each flat field by applying it to a set of standard star observations.We find that the dome flat-field system produces flat fields that are superior to twilight or nighttime sky flats, particularly for photometric calibration. We note that a ratio of the twilight sky flat to the nighttime sky flat is flat to within the expected uncertainty; but since both of these flat fields are inferior to the dome flat, this common test is not an appropriate metric for testing a flat field. Rather, the only feasible and correct method for determining the appropriateness of a flat field is to use standard stars to measure the reproducibility of known magnitudes across the detector. 2013. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.