Sequence analysis of bacterial artificial chromosome clones from the apospory-specific genomic region of Pennisetum and Cenchrus. uri icon


  • Apomixis, asexual reproduction through seed, is widespread among angiosperm families. Gametophytic apomixis in Pennisetum squamulatum and Cenchrus ciliaris is controlled by the apospory-specific genomic region (ASGR), which is highly conserved and macrosyntenic between these species. Thirty-two ASGR bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) isolated from both species and one ASGR-recombining BAC from P. squamulatum, which together cover approximately 2.7 Mb of DNA, were used to investigate the genomic structure of this region. Phrap assembly of 4,521 high-quality reads generated 1,341 contiguous sequences (contigs; 730 from the ASGR and 30 from the ASGR-recombining BAC in P. squamulatum, plus 580 from the C. ciliaris ASGR). Contigs containing putative protein-coding regions unrelated to transposable elements were identified based on protein similarity after Basic Local Alignment Search Tool X analysis. These putative coding regions were further analyzed in silico with reference to the rice (Oryza sativa) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genomes using the resources at Gramene ( and Phytozome ( and by hybridization against sorghum BAC filters. The ASGR sequences reveal that the ASGR (1) contains both gene-rich and gene-poor segments, (2) contains several genes that may play a role in apomictic development, (3) has many classes of transposable elements, and (4) does not exhibit large-scale synteny with either rice or sorghum genomes but does contain multiple regions of microsynteny with these species.

published proceedings

  • Plant Physiol

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Conner, J. A., Goel, S., Gunawan, G., Cordonnier-Pratt, M., Johnson, V. E., Liang, C., ... Ozias-Akins, P.

citation count

  • 71

complete list of authors

  • Conner, Joann A||Goel, Shailendra||Gunawan, Gunawati||Cordonnier-Pratt, Marie-Michele||Johnson, Virgil Ed||Liang, Chun||Wang, Haiming||Pratt, Lee H||Mullet, John E||DeBarry, Jeremy||Yang, Lixing||Bennetzen, Jeffrey L||Klein, Patricia E||Ozias-Akins, Peggy

publication date

  • July 2008