ARCAPEX: Arcgis interface for agricultural policy environmental extender (APEX) Hydrology/water quality model
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ArcAPEX is an ArcGIS-based user interface designed to automate the input parameterization of the Agricultural Policy Environmental extender (APEX) hydrologic/water quality model. The interface integrates topographic, land use, and soil spatial datasets and a built-in APEX-Parameters database that contains model parameter values required to simulate a wide range of plant growth, tillage, fertilizer, and pesticide applications over a farm/field to basin scale drainage area. Other key features of ArcAPEX include its ability to build and save alternative crop management operation schedules and options for integration directly with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for large watershed simulations. The major components for the ArcAPEX interface are presented, including watershed delineation, analysis of land use and soils, weather data, input parameter definition, model run management, and SWAT model integration. An application of ArcAPEX, conducted to evaluate various agricultural best management practices for a subwatershed of Bosque River Watershed in central Texas, is described to provide a demonstration of ArcAPEX. The software also provides possibilities for watershed-scale assessments of agroforestry systems in Southeast Asia and other regions. 2009 AAAE.