Assessment of Regional Site-Specific Sorghum Ergot Severity Potential Using Radar-Rainfall Measurement. uri icon


  • Sorghum ergot, caused by Claviceps africana, generally requires cool weather and humid conditions for optimum infection. Rainfall reportedly is not required for infection as long as relative humidity is high. However, occurrence of high humidity in the Texas Panhandle during the summer is usually associated with rain showers, and ergot incidence in the region has been observed to be associated with rain events. These events are often irregular and can vary within a small area both in incidence and intensity. Existing ground weather stations are too far apart to provide accurate representation of localized rainfall events. Radar-based precipitation measurements have a resolution of 4 4 km out to 230 km from the radar location. In the present study, radar rainfall measurements were used to assess regional site-specific sorghum ergot potential in the Texas Panhandle. The results have a potential for development of a web-based ergot risk assessment system in which growers can enter the GPS locations of their fields and determine whether management actions are necessary.

published proceedings

  • Plant Dis

author list (cited authors)

  • Workneh, F., Narasimhan, B., Srinivasan, R., & Rush, C. M.

complete list of authors

  • Workneh, F||Workneh, F||Narasimhan, B||Narasimhan, B||Srinivasan, R||Srinivasan, R||Rush, CM||Rush, CM