Percolation-theory based density derivations of wireless sensor network nodes for preventing exposure paths
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Deriving the critical density to achieve region coverage for random sensor-nodes deployments is a fundamentally important problem in the area of wireless sensor networks. Most existing works on region coverage is based on the omnidirectional sensing model, and focus on full coverage model which ensures that every point in the deployment region is covered. In this paper, we consider coverage problem from a different point of view. We propose a percolation theory based model to solve the exposure path problem for omnidirectional and directional sensor networks, respectively. We start with converting the exposure path problem into a typical site percolation model, and then derive the critical densities according to the percolation threshold under random sensor deployment where sensors are deployed according to a 2-dimensional Poisson process. We evaluate our proposed model by simulations. 2008 IEEE.
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2008 42nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems