GRLD: A Seamless Growth Rings Like Deployment of Sensors Avoiding Boundary Effects in WSNs
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Common deployment schemes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are built upon the assumption that the boundary effects can be ignored in the sensing field, which result in additional repair work to detect boundaries and redeem coverage holes along them. This repair not only breaks the uniformity of the deployed network, but also causes extra manual and material costs in practice. According to the geometry characteristics of a target area, we propose an innovative deployment scheme GRLD (Growth Rings Like Deployment), which can achieve coverage as well as connectivity without boundary effects. We also prove the full coverage and connectivity of this scheme and compare its efficiency with some popular regular deployment patterns, such as the square grid and the hexagon grid. Our work is the first to apply biological principles to the study and design of deployment schemes in WSNs, which avoids boundary effects efficiently and provides more adaptability. 2010 IEEE.
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2010 IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference