Adaptive Power Control for Maximizing Channel Capacity Over Full-Duplex D2D Q-OFDMA Ad Hoc Networks
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2015 IEEE. To support the emerging next generation wireless networks, researchers have made a great deal of efforts in investigating various promising techniques, such as full-duplex (FD) multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) technique and device-to-device (D2D) communications. FD MIMO technique can practically achieve the theoretical doubling of throughput if the self-interference can be efficiently cancelled. And D2D communication is designed and implemented to significantly enhance the FD communication performance by effectively reducing the overall interference and lowering transmit power over ad hoc networks. However, how to efficiently cancel the selfinterference induced by the FD MIMO transmissions under D2D communications has imposed many new challenges. To overcome the above-mentioned problems, we propose the adaptive power control policy for maximizing channel capacity over FD D2D QOFDMA ad hoc networks. In particular, under the Nakagami-m channel model, we establish the system model for the spatial multiplexing oriented Q-OFDMA system, and apply the selfinterference suppression techniques for FD model. We derive and analyze the energy efficiency for FD system over ad hoc networks. Then, we develop the adaptive power control policy for maximizing the MIMO channel capacity under our proposed spatial multiplexing based Q-OFDMA system over ad hoc networks. Also conducted is a set of simulations which show that our proposed scheme outperform the other existing schemes in terms of energy efficiency and self-interference cancellation over ad hoc networks.
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2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)