Game-Theory Based Power and Spectrum Virtualization for Maximizing Spectrum Efficiency Over Mobile Cloud-Computing Wireless Networks Conference Paper uri icon


  • 2015 IEEE. Mobile cloud-computing is a wireless network environment that focuses on sharing the publicly available wireless resources. Wireless network virtualization provides an efficient technique to implement the mobile cloud-computing by enabling multiple virtual wireless networks to be mapped onto one physical substrate wireless network. One of the most important challenges of this technique lies in how to efficiently allocate the wireless resources of physical wireless networks to the multiple virtual wireless network users. To overcome these difficulties, in this paper we propose the game-theory based schemes to resolve the wireless resources allocation problem in terms of transmit power and wireless spectrum. We formulate this wireless resources allocation problem as the gaming process where each mobile user bids for the limited wireless resources from physical substrate wireless networks, and competes with the other mobile-user players bidding for the same resources. Regulating the mobile users' bidding aggressiveness, our proposed game is guaranteed to converge to the Nash Equilibrium, where the benefits of physical substrate wireless network and the virtual wireless networks are both optimized, maximizing the aggregate spectrum efficiencies for our resources-virtualized mobile cloud-computing wireless networks. The extensive simulation results obtained validate and evaluate our proposed schemes.

name of conference

  • 2015 49th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS)

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Zhu, Q., & Zhang, X. i.

citation count

  • 9

complete list of authors

  • Zhu, Qixuan||Zhang, Xi

publication date

  • March 2015