Game-Theoretic Approach for QoS-Aware Resource Competition in Wireless Networks
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We propose a game-theoretic framework for qualityof-service (QoS) aware resource competition among coexisting wireless links in mobile wireless networks. The senders of wireless links use the constant transmit power and then the wireless resources of interest is characterized by time-slot length. Multiple wireless links will use the limited wireless resources through a time-slot competition game. In particular, the senders of all links are game players. They are selfish, yet rational, and aim at using the minimum time-slot consumptions to satisfy the specified statistical delay-QoS constraint under the given traffic load. We mainly focus on the two-link cases and derive the Nash equilibrium. Simulation results are presented to show the impact of QoS requirements and channel conditions on this time-slot competition game. Moreover, simulations demonstrate that the time-slot consumptions of the game-theoretic approach are very close to the single-link lower-bound. 2009 IEEE.
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MILCOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Military Communications Conference