AQ-DBPSK/DS-CDMA Based Energy-Efficient and Interference-Mitigation Scheme for 3D Clustered WCSNs With Minimum Coverage Rate Constraint
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2014 IEEE. As compared with 2D wireless camera sensor networks (WCSNs), 3D WCSNs can capture more accurate and comprehensive information for supervisory and military applications. However, 3D WCSNs impose many new challenges for energy efficiency and interference-mitigation subject to the minimum coverage rate constraint due to their extensive power consumption for data transmissions and inter-sensor interference over time-varying wireless channels in the 3D WCSNs. To overcome the above-mentioned problems, in this paper we propose the AQDBPSK/ DS-CDMA (alternating quadratures differential binary phase shift keying/direct-sequence code division multiple access) based energy-efficient and interference-mitigating scheme for the 3D clustered WCSNs with the minimum target-object coverage rate constraint. First, we apply the new low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (NEW LEACH) architecture into our 3D WCSNs for energy efficiency and interference mitigation. Then, using the Nakagami-m model, we develop the novel DS-CDMA based AQ-DBPSK modulation scheme to implement the energy efficient and interference-mitigating wireless communications over our 3D clustered WCSNs. We also derive the optimal data rate to optimize the transmit-power and data-rate trade off. Finally, we conduct the simulations evaluations, showing that our proposed schemes outperform the other existing schemes.