Quality of Video Oriented Pricing Incentive for Mobile Video Offloading
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2016 IEEE. With the increasing popularity of video delivery among mobile users, the explosive traffic growth problem becomes more and more serious for the mobile wireless networks. We propose to exploit opportunistic transmission and the idea of crowdsourcing to offload mobile video traffic. Specifically, we propose a QoV (Quality of Video) oriented pricing incentive scheme, namely Vbargain, to stimulate mobile users to deliver video data collaboratively. In our scheme, the video packets are treated as commodities, which are dynamically priced according to their expected marginal gains on the quality of reconstructed video; the process of video delivery is regarded as a sequence of packet transactions which are modeled as two-person cooperative games. Our simulation results, based on both the synthetic and real-life traces of mobile users, verify the efficiency of our scheme.
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IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications