Full-Duplex Spectrum-Sensing and MAC-Protocol for Multichannel Nontime-Slotted Cognitive Radio Networks
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2014 IEEE. Because of the asynchronization between primary and secondary wireless networks, the synchronization between primary users (PUs) and secondary users (SUs) can be hardly guaranteed in nontime-slotted cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In this paper, we propose a novel framework for multichannel nontime-slotted CRNs, where the PUs randomly access and leave the licensed channels. Since the PUs cannot distinguish between primary and secondary signals, the PUs may sense a busy channel when the PUs start to reactivate during the SUs' transmission, thus generating a collision or entering the backoff stage. To guarantee the high-throughput transmission of the PUs and increase the channel utilization of the SUs, in this paper, we propose the wireless full-duplex spectrum sensing (FD-SS) scheme for SUs in multichannel nontime-slotted CRNs. Using our developed FD-SS scheme, the SUs can timely sense the PUs' reactivation during the same time when the SUs are transmitting their signals. Then, based on our proposed wireless FD-SS scheme, we further develop and analyze the wireless full-duplex cognitive medium access control (FDC-MAC) protocol for multichannel nontime-slotted CRNs. We conduct extensive numerical analyses, showing that our developed FD-SS scheme and FDC-MAC protocol can efficiently guarantee the high-throughput transmission of the PUs and increase the channel utilization of the SUs without requiring the synchronization between the PUs and the SUs over the multichannel nontime-slotted CRNs.