Auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo simulations of neutron matter in chiral effective field theory. uri icon


  • We present variational Monte Carlo calculations of the neutron matter equation of state using chiral nuclear forces. The ground-state wave function of neutron matter, containing nonperturbative many-body correlations, is obtained from auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo simulations of up to about 340 neutrons interacting on a 10(3) discretized lattice. The evolution Hamiltonian is chosen to be attractive and spin independent in order to avoid the fermion sign problem and is constructed to best reproduce broad features of the chiral nuclear force. This is facilitated by choosing a lattice spacing of 1.5 fm, corresponding to a momentum-space cutoff of =414MeV/c, a resolution scale at which strongly repulsive features of nuclear two-body forces are suppressed. Differences between the evolution potential and the full chiral nuclear interaction (Entem and Machleidt =414MeV [L. Coraggio et al., Phys. Rev. C 87, 014322 (2013).

published proceedings

  • Phys Rev Lett

altmetric score

  • 0.5

author list (cited authors)

  • Wlazowski, G., Holt, J. W., Moroz, S., Bulgac, A., & Roche, K. J.

citation count

  • 70

complete list of authors

  • Wlazłowski, G||Holt, JW||Moroz, S||Bulgac, A||Roche, KJ

publication date

  • October 2014