Signature at the Fermilab Tevatron for the light doubly charged Higgsino of the supersymmetric left-right model
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We analyze the signal at the Fermilab Tevatron for the doubly charged Higgs superfield of supersymmetric left-right models with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking. Because of the presence of a new coupling, the lighter stau is usually less massive than the lightest neutralino and is frequently the next to lightest SUSY particle. The fermionic part of the doubly charged Higgs field decays dominantly into two leptons plus missing energy (gravitino). We find that the inclusive two jets (when they come from same sign jets) and three jets plus missing energy signatures could be observable at run II of the Tevatron. We also find that the distribution in angle between the two highest ET jets when they come from same sign leptons can be used to distinguish this model from the others. 1999 The American Physical Society.