Probing the nuclear EOS with GeV light-ion beams uri icon


  • The first 4 studies of identified light-charged-particles and IMFs emitted in the p, - + 197Au reactions above 5 GeV/c are reported. Multiplicity and angular distributions show little sensitivity to either bombarding energy or projectile type. Excitation energy distributions obtained from data for the 4.8 GeV 3He + 197Au reaction yield values up to E* 1500 MeV and E*/Aresidue 10 MeV/nucleon. Analysis of large-angle, IMF-IMF correlations for this same system suggests that multifragmentationis a fast, time-dependent process.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Viola, V. E., Hsi, W. C., Kwiatkowski, K., Wang, G., Bracken, D. S., Breuer, H., ... Yoder, N. R.

citation count

  • 1

complete list of authors

  • Viola, VE||Hsi, WC||Kwiatkowski, K||Wang, G||Bracken, DS||Breuer, H||Brzychczyk, J||Chu, YY||Cornell, E||Foxford, ER||Gimeno-Nogues, F||Ginger, D||Gushue, S||Huang, MJ||Korteling, RG||Legrain, R||Lynch, WG||Morley, KB||Pollacco, EC||Ramakrishnan, E||Remsberg, LP||Rowland, D||Tsang, MB||Volant, C||Xi, H||Yennello, SJ||Yoder, NR

publication date

  • November 1997