Chain packing in linear phenol-polycarbonate by C-13{H-2} REDOR
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Interchain paekingin [carbonyl-13C, phenol-2H]phenol-substituted bisphenol A polycarbonate (a totally amorphous polymer by X-ray powder diffraction) has been characterized by 13C{2H} rotational-echo double-resonance (REDOR) NMR measurements on a 10 distance scale. Differences in the REDOR dephasing rates of the centerband and spinning sidebands of the carbonyl carbon resonance prove the presence of local orientational order. Approximately 70% of the repeat units are locally ordered. For the most tightly packed pairs of chains, the phenol 2H of one chain is 4-5 from the carbonate 13C of the other chain, and the interchain 2H-13C dipolar vector has an orientation of approximately 30 (azimuthal) and 70 (polar) in the carbonyl carbon chemical shift tensor reference frame. The REDOR determination of these packing parameters is model-independent. Both random and chain-pair models were generated to describe the chain packing, but only the chain-pair model was consistent with the REDOR distance and orientation results.