X-ray and background production trends from high energy heavy ion bombardment were investigated using 0.5 MeV/amu and 1.0 MeV/amu On+, Arn+, Cun+, Krn+ and Xen+ beams. A method for optimization of the projectile size and energy to achieve maximum measurement senstitivity is given, based upon an observed enhancement in X-ray production when the K or L shell binding energy of the projectile approximately matches the K or L shell binding energy of the target. A comparison of the capabilities offered by different beams, including excitation with 1.65 MeV protons, for the simultaneous determination of trace elements in thick targets has been made. Experimental detection sensitivities of 0.8-10 ppm were obtained for the elements Mn to Se in biological samples with a 1 MeV/amu Kr7+ beam of 70 nA for 1000 s. Considering the amount of sample assayed in this work ( 15 g), HEHIX is truly a trace analysis technique applicable on microsamples. 1977.