Transient frequency-modulated spectroscopy: Application to the measurement of vector and scalar correlations in molecular photodissociation
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An intrinsically time-resolved version of frequency-modulation (FM) spectroscopy has been recently developed and applied to the study of gas-phase photodissociation dynamics. Transient FM spectroscopy allows low background detection of radical species with shot-noise limited sensitivities, time resolution sufficient for detection of collisionless photoproducts, and frequency resolution characteristic of single-mode cw lasers. Methods for the quantitative analysis of Doppler-broadened FM line shapes to give velocity and rotational polarization information have been established permitting the measurement of scalar and vector properties of molecular fragmentation in exquisite detail. Several recent examples of the application of transient FM spectroscopy will be presented and discussed, including correlated scalar distributions in the dissociation of ketene from CH2(1A1) Doppler profiles, and the full vector correlation analysis of CN (X 2+) fragments arising from ICN dissociation.
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Laser Techniques for State-Selected and State-to-State Chemistry IV