The mechanism of alkene addition to a nickel bis(dithiolene) complex: the role of the reduced metal complex.
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The binding of an alkene by Ni(tfd)(2) [tfd = S(2)C(2)(CF(3))(2)] is one of the most intriguing ligand-based reactions. In the presence of the anionic, reduced metal complex, the primary product is an interligand adduct, while in the absence of the anion, dihydrodithiins and metal complex decomposition products are preferred. New kinetic (global analysis) and computational (DFT) data explain the crucial role of the anion in suppressing decomposition and catalyzing the formation of the interligand product through a dimetallic complex that appears to catalyze alkene addition across the Ni-S bond, leading to a lower barrier for the interligand adduct.