A bistable poly[2]catenane forms nanosuperstructures. uri icon


  • Side-chain poly[2]catenanes at the click of a switch! A bistable side-chain poly[2]catenane has been synthesized and found to form hierarchical self-assembled hollow superstructures of nanoscale dimensions in solution. Molecular electromechanical switching (see picture) of the material is demonstrated, and the ground-state equilibrium thermodynamics and switching kinetics are examined as the initial steps towards processible molecular-based electronic devices and nanoelectromechanical systems.

published proceedings

  • Angew Chem Int Ed Engl

author list (cited authors)

  • Olson, M. A., Braunschweig, A. B., Fang, L., Ikeda, T., Klajn, R., Trabolsi, A., ... Stoddart, J. F.

citation count

  • 70

complete list of authors

  • Olson, Mark A||Braunschweig, Adam B||Fang, Lei||Ikeda, Taichi||Klajn, Rafal||Trabolsi, Ali||Wesson, Paul J||Benítez, Diego||Mirkin, Chad A||Grzybowski, Bartosz A||Stoddart, J Fraser

publication date

  • February 2009
