Psychology of human inspiration under the space flight environment
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The complex environment of the long duration space flight with its effects upon the human astronauts are considered from a psychological point of view. Several hazards await the crews of long duration space missions like the extreme Mars mission. This include radiation exposure and the psychological stress of spending 30 months in a confined habitat, further from Earth than any human in history, with death no more than a hull's thickness away. This research - a development of the SURE-ESA AO-011 Proposal in 2006 - focuses on using psychology for investigating the graphical skills and the painting abilities of astronauts as tools to provide insights into and control upon the effects of prolonged weightlessness on the human body and enlarge our current understanding of the effects of microgravity on physiology. Prolonged exposure to microgravity seems to affect almost all physiological systems. Disturbances of haemopoiesis, immunosuppression, and endocrine changes have all been observed. The effects of microgravity that are of key importance to human space operations are those on the musculoskeletal, neurovestibular, and cardiovascular systems. A holistic method is adopted in anticipating the specific behavior of human subjects during actual space flights. Unique records of written and drawn materials from astronauts are taken as experimental facts in assessing the effects of weightlessness upon human graphical skills in space. Information regarding the change/deterioration of creativity and imaginative activity is considered as a tool for reconstructing the psychological behavior of astronauts in space, based on comparative interpretation of data related to stressing circumstances for humans on Earth. The envisaged tool is not only seen as a probing instrument but it is also proposed as a means of creating a relaxing psychological ambient during the very prolonged space flights of the future to Mars and beyond.