Personality traits and mental health treatment utilization. uri icon


  • Recent theory and research suggest a relation between five-factor model personality traits and mental health treatment utilization, even after controlling for psychiatric disorders and global functioning. The current report further tests this hypothesis in a large clinical sample, using a wider array of treatment modalities than has been previously studied. Overall, results were limited and inconsistent. Although neuroticism was related to utilization across treatment modalities, many of these relationships resulted from its association with psychiatric diagnoses. Other traits showed limited and inconsistent relations to the use of psychosocial and psychiatric treatments.

published proceedings

  • Personal Ment Health

author list (cited authors)

  • Hopwood, C. J., Quigley, B. D., Grilo, C. M., Sanislow, C. A., McGlashan, T. H., Yen, S., ... Morey, L. C.

citation count

  • 16

complete list of authors

  • Hopwood, Christopher J||Quigley, Brian D||Grilo, Carlos M||Sanislow, Charles A||McGlashan, Thomas H||Yen, Shirley||Shea, M Tracie||Zanarini, Mary C||Gunderson, John G||Skodol, Andrew E||Markowitz, John C||Morey, Leslie C

publication date

  • November 2008
