Energetics of the martian atmosphere using the Mars Analysis Correction Data Assimilation (MACDA) dataset
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2016 Elsevier Inc. The energetics of the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere of Mars during the pre-winter solstice period are explored using the Mars Analysis Correction Data Assimilation (MACDA) dataset (v1.0) and the eddy kinetic energy equation, with the quasi-geostrophic omega equation providing vertical velocities. Traveling waves are typically triggered by geopotential flux convergence. The effect of dust on baroclinic instability is examined by comparing a year with a global-scale dust storm (GDS) to two years without a global-scale dust storm. During the non-GDS years, results agree with that of a previous study using a general circulation model simulation. In the GDS year, waves develop a mixed baroclinic/barotropic growth phase before decaying barotropically. Though the total amount of eddy kinetic energy generated by baroclinic energy conversion is lower during the GDS year, the maximum eddy intensity is not diminished. Instead, the number of intense eddies is reduced by about 50%.