Calibration of the Sleuth Model Based on the Historic Growth of Houston
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The SLEUTH cellular automaton urban growth model was calibrated against historical growth in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (Houston CMSA) from 1974-2002. The Houston CMSA presents an interesting case study of modeling urban growth using SLEUTH. Houston is perhaps the archetypal Sunbelt city and experienced rapid population growth over the calibration period. Compared to many other United States cities, Houston's local governments have a laissez-faire approach to development; in fact Houston is the only major US metropolitan area with no zoning regulations. Calibration of SLEUTH reveals that over the study period urban growth in the Houston CMSA was dominated organic growth, with urban expansion occurring at the urban edges of existing urban centers. Lack of zoning regulations is thought to play an important role on the outward growth of urbanization in Houston. 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information.