Probing toughening mechanisms of polymers using a double-notch four-point-bending method
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The purpose of this study is to describe the application of a relatively well-known technique, used to probe the micro-mechamical deformation mechanisms in metals and ceramics, to polymers. This technique is known as the 'double-notch four-point-bending' (DN4PB) method. To illustrate the usefulness of this technique, the authors examine the process zones produced in toughened polycarbonates and toughened epoxies. It is shown that the DN-4PB method may prove to be a powerful technique which can reveal the path of evolution of a process zone. This new insight into the formation of the process zones will hopefully shed some light on the search for toughening mechanisms in polymers. This technique compliments conventional approaches which often focus on post-mortem analyses of fracture surfaces.