Improved spectral flatness and sub-two-cycle pulse generation in octave-spanning Kerr frequency combs using micro-resonators with two zero-dispersion wavelengths Conference Paper uri icon


  • We show spectral flatness of Kerr frequency combs can be improved with a power fluctuation of <20 dB over one-octave bandwidth, using flattened dispersion profile with two ZDWs. Sub-two-cycle optical pulses (7.5 fs) are generated from the combs. 2013 The Optical Society.

name of conference

  • CLEO: 2013

published proceedings

  • CLEO: 2013

author list (cited authors)

  • Zhang, L., Mu, J., Singh, V., Lin, P., Patel, N., Agarwal, A., Kimerling, L. C., & Michel, J.

complete list of authors

  • Zhang, Lin||Mu, Jianwei||Singh, Vivek||Lin, Pao-Tai||Patel, Neil||Agarwal, Anu||Kimerling, Lionel C||Michel, Jurgen