Numerical studies of wave propagation in polycrystalline shape memory alloy rods
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Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) have recently been considered for various applications involving dynamic loading. An SMA body subjected to external dynamic loading will experience large inelastic deformations that will propagate as phase transformation and/or detwinning shock waves. The wave propagation problem in a cylindrical SMA is studied numerically. An adaptive Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to solve several model problems representing various boundary conditions and thermomechanical paths. The mesh adaptivity is based on the Zienkiewicz-Zhu (ZZ) error estimator. Convergence studies are performed demonstrating the ability of the adaptive FEM to accurately and efficiently capture solutions with moving shock discontinuities. The energy dissipation capabilities of SMA rods are evaluated based on the numerical simulations. Correlations with existing experimental data on impact loading of NiTi SMA bars are also performed.
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Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics